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Do you accept insurance?

No, we cannot see patients with either Medicare or Medicaid and we are not under contract with any commercial insurance carriers. Our reasons for not accepting insurance are manifold. By not participating in insurance plans we are able to provide highly individualized treatment based on a patient's unique needs while also ensuring both a higher level of cost transparency and confidentiality. It also means that we have more time to provide patient care. While we do not contract with any insurance carriers, we strive to have upfront and transparent pricing  for our services. Additionally, we provide detailed invoices if you wish to submit your own claim to insurance.

Why does location matter?
We are currently able to provide care to patients who are residents of Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The reason for this limitation relates to state regulations around medical licensure. We employ a HIPAA-compliant video platform for all appointments so that patients can engage treatment in the most convenient and accessible way possible. However, due to these same licensing restrictions, patients must be physically located in one of these four states at the time of service.

Do you prescribe controlled medications?


Due to the virtual nature of treatment, federal regulations preclude the prescribing of controlled medications, such as opioids (e.g. Suboxone), stimulants (e.g. Adderall Ritalin, Vyvanse, Concerta), benzodiazepines (e.g. Ativan, Klonopin, Xanax), and sedative hypnotics (e.g. Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata). As such, we do not prescribe any controlled medications under any circumstance.

Do you treat all psychiatric disorders?


The medical reality is that some illnesses require a higher level of care. Like all tools, telepsychiatry is an imperfect one and there are some disorders that are beyond the scope of being able to be safely treated using a virtual platform. We do not treat patients with active eating disorders (e.g. anorexia, bulimia, avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder), active substance use disorders (e.g. alcohol use disorder, opioid use disorder, stimulant use disorder), or have active suicidal ideation, engage in self-injurious behavior, or have thoughts of injuring others. 


Do you treat children or adolescents?


No, we cannot see children or adolescent patients. Our specialty is general adult psychiatry and our patients range in age from 18 to 60 years old. We specialize exclusively in the treatment of adult patients.

What happens if I miss my appointment?

Please understand that we are a small practice and that your appointment time is reserved just for you. At the same time, we also know that even the best laid plans might need to change. If you need to reschedule an appointment, we require at least 24 hours notice. However, if you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours notice or do not present for your appointment, you will be charged the entire appointment fee.

What happens when I need renewal of a prescription?
During scheduled appointments, we will address all medication questions and concerns, including prescriptions renewals. If a prescription renewal is needed in the interval between appointments, please place a call to Dr. Abreu. However, as regular follow up is an integral part of treatment, medication prescriptions will only be provided if you have had an appointment within the preceding ninety days.

What happens if I need a form filled out?

We do not provide any legal evaluations, legal certifications, disability evaluations, FMLA forms, functional assessments, letters for school or work accommodations, or letters for emotional support animals.

What are the limits of confidentiality?

Doctor-patient confidentiality is essential to building trust and eliciting positive therapeutic outcomes. All treatment information will be kept confidential EXCEPT in any of the following instances:


  • if a patient is deemed to present a danger to themselves or others

  • if concerns arise about possible abuse or neglect of a vulnerable individual

  • if a court order is issued to obtain treatment records

What should I do if I am in emotional distress or suicidal crisis?


If you are in crisis, present to your nearest emergency room or call 988, which will route you to the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. When people call, text, or chat 988, they will be connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing Lifeline network. These trained counselors will listen, understand how their problems are affecting them, provide support, and connect them to resources if necessary.

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